Online Sex Therapist in Los Angeles, California

Online Sex Therapy

How can Online Sex Therapy Help me?

Online sex therapy for individuals and online couple’s therapy both function the same way they would in a regular therapy room. In short, I lead you through talk therapy sessions, assign at-home exercises and recommend readings, and encourage you (and your sex partner(s) if applicable) to reflect on or discuss the things we are working on in between sessions.

This process will roughly be the same regardless of whether we are treating unwanted sexual compulsivity, sexual trauma, erectile and other sexual dysfunction, pelvic pain, or mismatched libidos. Depending on your ability to do all of those things will determine how your sex life evolves. But make no mistake, the sex therapy process can be done effectively online.

I also have experience working with individuals on coming to terms with their sexual identity, embracing BDSM and kinks, navigating polyamorous and open/non-monogamous relationships and issues, among other sexual issues.

To help guide you through this process, I have participated in extensive specialized training for the processing of sexual issues, and continue to do so to this day. I value this work tremendously, and consider it an honor to help people grow in their sexuality.

Online Sex Therapist in Los Angeles, California

What to Expect from an Online Sex Therapist

online sex therapist

I strongly believe in the innate ability of each one of us to heal and achieve optimal mental health and spiritual well-being. That said, research shows that there are a wide variety of social, political and cultural forces which serve to regularly impact our sexuality:

  • Family

  • Stress

  • Social circles

  • Television and film

  • Education

  • Religion

  • Social media

  • Political climate

That in mind, as an online sex therapist my role is to explore how all of these different things influence your sexuality, as well as how to navigate them in order to achieve a fulfilling sex life. In traditional therapy you might speak to a therapist about sex every once in awhile - I won’t let a single session go by without bringing it up.

We start by exploring what has shaped you sexually, and which aspects of your life and current habits are reinforcing and impacting your current sexual self.

We then look at ways to decrease the negative influences and increase the positive ones, while striving for acceptance of the things we cannot change (like our inability to swap family members for more sex-positive individuals!).


Specializing in erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is often a misnomer. The term often conflates when a penis does not become erect because a person is in a state of ‘high alert’ with a penis not becoming erect for a medical reason. (I.E. Issues with blood flow, one’s endocrine system, neurological reasons, or damage to pelvic muscles from an accident.

A fairly basic test is to see if you can get firm erections when you masturbate alone after a full night of sleep (7+ hours). If you can, but not in the presence of a partner or partners, then we are most likely dealing with issues of stress.

I like working with erectile issues because the results are tangible - you will definitely know when therapy is working!

I find that a tremendously large number of men struggle with erectile issues, which is why I started a podcast (called Hard Conversations) that delves into this issue for many hours. From having conducted interviews from across the field for this podcast I have become a de facto leading expert in how to deal with erectile issues. I encourage struggling men and their partners to listen to the podcast as it’s a great free resource.

sex therapist los angeles

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Schedule a free, 20-minute consultation with me to see how we can achieve your goals!