Sex Therapy Online Help Los Angeles | Virtual Sex Therapist

Sex Therapy Online Help - Tim Norton


Unlock your sexual potential! Sex therapy is basically regular talk therapy with a particular emphasis on sexual issues. Sex therapy can be applicable to individuals understand and come to terms with their own sexual desires, expel shame, decrease anxiety around sex, etc., or enabling sexual partners to reconcile their sexual differences for a more fulfilling overall relationship.


Receive online therapy for sexual issues, anxiety disorders, existential exploration, and a variety of other things, from anywhere, anytime. In this new way of (pandemic) life, therapy is more important now than ever for many of us. Avoid traffic, parking, commute times and indulge in tremendous scheduling flexibility. There are many unique aspects of online therapy that make it a better fit for many of my clients. If you’re interested in trying an online session, you can book a consultation with me here.


Achieve fast results with sex coaching! Let's focus on all of the ways that your current lifestyle - from your sex partner(s), to your friend group, to your job, your social media account, your porn and erotica intake - are currently debilitating your sexuality. Rather than spending an hour talking about how your parents never talked about sex (which is pretty much universal around the world), we can spend an hour talking about what you’re going to do when you visit the sex shop, the erotic literature you’re going to expose yourself to, the sexy conversations you’re going to start having more of.


Somatic Symptom Disorder Therapy

Free yourself from chronic pain! Mindfulness-based therapies are very effective at reducing and eliminating many symptoms that people experience, whether due to psychosomatic pain, psychogenic pain, TMS, PPD, or any number of labels. Somatic symptom disorder therapy is used to to address anything from back pain to neck pain to pelvic pain (and numbness, tingles, buzzes, golf ball in the butt sensations) to headaches to stomach aches.

Couple's Therapy

Improve your connection to your partner! Couple's therapy helps bring people closer, have better conversations, learn about love, and learn about themselves. Even if it seems like your problem is individualized, like libido or erectile dysfunction, remember that your partner plays a major role in determining whether or not growth is taking place! Start your online couple's therapy today!

Erectile Dysfunction - Podcasts

25+ hours of free expert advice on erectile dysfunction! I am the host of Hard Conversations, a podcast about male sexuality and sexual struggles. I speak to sex therapists, doctors, sex workers, and specialists from a variety of fields about how to get you feeling sexually potent.